My Passion Planner 2024 - Set Up For Success

I know y’all sometimes get glimpses of my planner over on Instagram, but I thought I’d do a bit of a gallery post with some of the ways that I plan my month/year in my Passion Planner!

I have used PP for a couple years now and honestly I don’t think I have ever stuck with anything like this before. I absolutely love it, and it helps me keep track of my life and my writing work so I never lose my head.

This year, I chose the green dated Passion Planner - you can get yours here - because LOOK AT THAT GREEN AND GOLD. Ugh, it was just too beautiful to pass up.

So, how do I set this bad boy up for success?

First, I find that the excess pages in the front are… useless to me. I don’t need the instructions, so what I do is repurpose these pages as my vision board! You can see that page within with all my character art which just makes me super happy and excited to write.

Goals - I change up the gamechanger goals page to reflect the year rather than future milestones. I divvy them into quarter goals, and then use the right side of the page as my 2024 writing projects timeline. This helps me see when and where I need to be working and how my progress is going.

The last bit of my ‘front’ pages is the monthly layout. You can see a lovely January spread below where I plan out my posting content and it keeps me on track with all of my appointments and reminders!

Now, back pages!

Obviously, I have to have some wonderful book trackers, including my favorite quotes and a book bracket! Then, I add a few habit trackers to keep track of my reading goals and writing goals. And to make tax season a lot easier at a glance, a business expense tracker!

There are so many extra pages at the back that can be used for quotes, ideas, keyword trackers, and more. It’s so much fun.

So, that’s a basic overview of how I use my passion planner! I love this planner so much and I am such a big fan of their versatility. I can keep all of my life organized in one place!

Enjoy these lovely bts photos!


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